Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Little Bit of Life

I realize I've been a bit sporadic in posting lately. To be honest, my whole life feels a bit that way. I haven't even seen one new episode of Parenthood this season. WHAT?!? Something is seriously out of whack.

So here's a brief update so we're all up to speed…

I went to Boston a couple of weekends ago to see my bestie, Sarah. We did a little of this…

And this…

I also managed to come home with this…

And this…

It's so great to see the look of confusion on Hootie's face when I walk off a plane with a box of champagne glasses and a painting. (Let's just say it's not the first time.) Anywho, the painting has found a lovely home in our existing gallery wall.

While in Boston, I managed to fall back in love with a store called Hudson. How could you not love this place (aside from the prices)?

Since then, Baylor has rocked it.

Monster has potty trained (semi-successfully).

And I bought a new notebook in order to keep myself organized… at least that is the goal.

So, what's new with you all?


Monday, November 18, 2013

Try Again… And Again

I'm sad to report that the latest version of our bedroom rug has been discontinued after waiting 6 weeks to receive something that was never to be. In case you are doing the math that is rug #5 that has bit the dust… I'm starting to believe our bedroom rug has been cursed.

The selection process actually began one year ago on Thanksgiving Eve. RugsUSA was having a blowout sale and this overdyed replica was initially selected.

After being on back order for several months, it arrived just in time to move back in with the rest of our furniture this spring, but the joy was short-lived. The colors just weren't what I wanted and for $80 I was able to return it. :(

There was brief flirtation with this beauty in Santa Fe, but I was never able to fully commit to the color or the trend.

Next up was the FLOR option! I never purchased the tiles to be fair, but there was a lot of debate between these three choices…

In the end, I went to pull the trigger and just knew it wasn't the right fit for us.

Most recently, I fell for this modern take on a traditional style. The colors were neutral, but the pattern made it interesting. We could have made it work, but Egypt went and decided to discontinue the item before we could meet.

So know here we are rugless and feeling jilted.  Not to worry, I've already ordered this bad boy…

He's backordered thru January. Fingers crossed that it's a match!


Monday, November 11, 2013


I had the great privilege to work with the cutest couple who were featured in the Lakewood Tour of Homes this past weekend. They live in this beauty…

I know… it's awesome, right?!? Anywho, somehow I ended up on the job and am so grateful for the opportunity. It's been awhile since I've shown any real work so I thought you might enjoy!

This was being referred to as the 'West Bedroom'. I don't know why this makes me giggle, but I'd love to live in a house where there is an east and a west. We're more of a 'You Can Sleep Here… or Not."

This is the 'East Bedroom'. I'm particularly in love with the gallery wall. The homeowners are quite the world travelers and have beautiful photos and treasures from around the world.

You know I'm not normally an all-white kind of a girl, but this one could make me a convert. What you can't see is their incredible backyard!

Yep, that's theirs all right… too bad you don't want to hang out back there!

That's enough coveting for one day. Just one more big thank you to the homeowner… it was a wonderful experience.
