Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me?!?

I know this sounds crazy, but I've decided to make today - Halloween 2012 - the official birthday of Flat 200.  As the hubs would say, I am officially 0!

Seeing that I've been posting in secret and blabbering on and on about this venture for far too long, I'm out of excuses.  I'm putting all of my pretties and silliness out onto the world wide web.  (Does anyone really say that anymore?)  Either way, I am now the proud owner of an online diary that hopefully someone other than my mom will read.

Here's hoping it is more treat than trick this Halloween.  Now, go get your candy on... it is my birthday after all!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What budget?

Anybody else's budget get in the way of their... everything?  I know that restrictions can lead to great creativity, but I seriously just want to buy what I want to buy most of the time.  Can I get an amen?

I'm not implying that great style or decor comes from spending tons of money, but it would be nice to pick & choose things based on your desires and not your pocketbook.

For instance, I have had a long and sometimes turbulent love affair with Anthropologie and their new winter catalog is doing me no favors.  I heart this rocker for our (imaginary) bedroom makeover, but can't we all agree that $1200 is a bit much.  (PS - That is the sale price!)

While I admit that I have a flair for the dramatic, this might be pushing it a little far.  I think this little guy is pretty cute AND I customize my fabric for a mere $399.  What a steal!

In the end, it is all about using your dollars wisely.  Some items are worth the splurge and some aren't. What about you?  Would you rather wait and get that special piece? Or get a few things on the list?

PS - If anyone wants to gift me the Anthro rocking chair, I will happily accept your splurge.  


Monday, October 29, 2012

Artsy Fartsy

I must say that I love art and not just the fancy heirloom type pieces, but even the plain ol' junk that your little monsters make or the garage sale find that makes you smile. It's a wonderful way to add extra life to a room.  It tells a story. Regardless of the skill level, I am always impressed by someone brave enough to create their own art.

The hubs and I have collected everything over the past decade from broken pottery...

to an antique tapestry...
to traditional landscapes...
and now the framed masterpieces by one crazy 18-month old monster!

No matter what form art comes in, I think it should create an emotional reaction and it is always nice to push the boundaries just a little. This is the one that I still dream about... perhaps we can add it to the collection one day.

What about you... more of a traditionalist? Or a rebel? Or none at all?


Friday, October 26, 2012

Finally... Hallelujah!

If you know me then you know I have been talking about a gallery wall for our living room for ages now. The idea began long ago when we were still living in London and I wanted a special way to capture some of our favorite photos of our travels.

Images of this...

Started running through my head... and yes, I would be the stunning model gazing off while pondering all of life's deepest questions. But let's get real, that ain't me and that ain't my house.  (I wish!)  However, I decided black and white photo canvases were the way to go. They would make a graphic statement without being fussy and I wanted more non-traditional shots so you wouldn't get the typical touristy vibe.

Finally, my pet project is now complete and hung beautifully on our living room wall! (Special shout out to the hubs for always indulging my OCD tendencies!)

After selecting the images, I created a free form arrangement using graph paper to perfect the spacing and layout. I gave you a sneak peek of that process earlier this week.

We then laid out the canvases on the floor to choose the exact arrangement in case there were any discrepancies with the hanging wire I wanted to be sure they were correctly spaced. Remember the OCD comment from above.

Anywho, from there we used the graph paper as a guide and got to work. (We being the hubs.  Me shouting encouragement from the sidelines.) So after four long years, I am proud to present our new gallery wall...

It's been a long time coming, but I'm in love. It looks great and brings back so many wonderful memories. I find myself smiling when I catch a glimpse of it from another room. So thank you to the hubs for indulging me and thanks to everyone that listened to me talk about it for way too long, it is officially off my to-do list. Now I just think we need some brighter pillows... :)


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Whatever Wednesday!

Anybody else feel like Christmas is upon us... and Halloween hasn't even happened yet?  Yikes!  I guess that means I better start on my Christmas list!  I've had my eye on a few of these pretties for quite some time.

I think this rug really wants to be my friend.  How can I say no?

Recently fell in love with this gorgeous piece of artwork...

But since I may be pushing my luck with high ticket items, I will gladly accept this little jewel as a stocking stuffer.

It's not all about the house.  Mama needs some new shoes and I think either pair would gladly do the trick.

And what Christmas list isn't complete without cashmere?  Mine never is! Wouldn't a little monogram just put it over the top?

Hope hubby Santa was paying attention!  Happy shopping and Merry Halloween!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Four years later...

BIG things are in store at the casa!  A project four years in the making is about to make its debut and I could not be more excited!  Here's a sneak preview...

Anybody else so stubborn that they just can't let it go?!?


Monday, October 22, 2012

Who doesn't love a pumpkin?

I've always had this dream that I would host fabulous Halloween parties and my house would be decked out in spooky awesomeness!

Thing is that I don't go all out for Halloween.  We throw out the obligatory pumpkins and mums, but that is about it.  Plus, if I am being honest, I prefer to use my monies on other things than a $100 worth of pumpkins!  Anyone else?

So while we've got this...

and this..

and this...

I'll keep dreaming of one day creating this!


Friday, October 19, 2012

A case of the to do's...

I'm the girl that writes something on her to do list just to mark it off.  I know many of you can relate.  I think I heard on Oprah or Dr. Oz or from someone way smarter than me that writing down your to do list frees up your mind to concentrate on other things.  However, lately, I think I am just overloading my list with impossible expectations... especially when it comes to our house.

Little known fact, but our current house is the longest we've ever lived somewhere.  While I love that, I am definitely itching to do some updates.  Take the back yard, it has come a long way.

Flashback to move in... seriously, who puts a tree in the middle of the yard?!?

Phase 1 is now complete, but I'm ready to bring on phase 2 & 3!  (Insert hubby sighing.)

So to set the record straight, here is everything on my current outdoor to do list...  
  1. Replant vegetable garden (and keep it alive!)
  2. Add stone steps along garage wall
  3. Add flowerbeds along rest of the fence
  4. Add deck over existing patio
  5. Replace outdoor table & chairs
  6. Repaint front door
  7. Replace house #s
While I would love to do all this instantly, time & money are a factor as well as the willingness of good ole hubby.  So for the time being, I'm going to work on enjoying everything as is and not wish for more.  In fact, I think I will make a to do list for today.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

In the beginning...

Have you ever wanted to try something, but just been too scared to actually do it?  Well, this is that thing for me.  Here's the thing - I LOVE design!  Clothes, artwork, jewelry... but especially homes!  They are the perfect subjects.  You can't look fat in a room (AMEN to that!), but you can use them and love them and make them into anything you want.

So far, I have been blessed to call three places home in my adult life.  Each one of them I loved and each one of them I would change a million things, but that's the beauty of it.  Live and learn... or get better taste!

House #1... Starter Home

This is the house we came home to after we were married.  It was the perfect spot for testing out my love affair with color!  (We'll get into that another time.)

House #2... Our Flat in London

Just kidding, it would be nice though.  This is a little more like it.

The smallest place I have ever lived and one of the best!  It taught me a new appreciation for all things Ikea and living with borrowed furniture.  (I drew the line at the used shower curtain. A girl has gotta have standards!)

House #3... Our Current Home 

This is where we brought home our monster to and where we are slowly learning to become adults.  (Yes, I realize I am in my 30's, but I seriously don't think of myself as an adult most of the time.  Anyone else?)  

It is here that I am figuring out my true sense of style - mistakes included.  So this is where we will begin this story.  Until next time... 
